Leadership is a Loaded Word.
Observations from the trenches of 12+ years of professional coaching.
Setting boundaries when you’re overworked
It can be difficult to set boundaries at work. Here are a few scenarios to show you how to do so, securely.
The gifts of life-altering trauma
“It’s when all the wheels come off at once that you find out who you really are.”
Being a highly sensitive engineering leader during uncertain times.
Being a sensitive leader is an asset that can sometimes feel like a weakness. Learn how to harness sensitivity to help others through the current period of industry volatility.
This article was originally published on LeadDev.com on March 22, 2023
Do you really want to keep floating along, letting someone else decide your fate?
Do you really want to keep floating along, letting someone else decide your fate?
How to transform the next 4 weeks and finish strong ahead of the new year.
How to Transform the Next 4 Weeks and Finish Strong Ahead of the New Year.
From optimism to suddenly unemployed, and walloped by failure, shame, and self-doubt: Lessons from a Hapsburg Empress.
From optimism to suddenly unemployed, and walloped by failure, shame, and self-doubt: Lessons from a Hapsburg Empress.
Even if you don’t know what the “Yes” is, trust the “No”.
Even if you don’t know what the “Yes” is, trust the “No”.
The Tao of Ted Lasso: “Trent Crimm: The Independent”.
The Tao of Ted Lasso: “Trent Crimm: The Independent”.
Why we should talk about our failures more often.
Why We Should Talk About Our Failures More Often
When everything gets big and complicated, just breathe.
When Everything Gets Big and Complicated, Just Breathe